American Reforestation Initiative


Planting trees promotes the health of our environment and our communities.

Understanding the Benefits of Trees

Globally, trees provide a wealth of benefits, including wildlife ecosystems, increased biodiversity, air quality, carbon dioxide capture, wind breaks, healthy watersheds, sources of income, reduction of energy usage, adding beauty to our natural landscapes, and much more.  When we lose trees, there are side effects, from soil erosion and changes to our local climate, to simply less shade at our favorite gathering places.

Clean Water

One hundred mature trees catch about 139,000 gallons of rainwater per year.[1]

National forests and grasslands are the largest source of fresh water in the U.S. under a single manager, with about 20% originating from 193 million acres of land.

Some 180 million people in over 68,000 communities rely on forested lands to capture and filter their drinking water.[2]

Clean Air

100 trees remove 53 tons of carbon dioxide and 430 pounds of other air pollutants per year. [3]

Reducing Energy Usage

Strategically placed trees save up to 56% on annual air-conditioning costs.

Evergreens that block winter winds can save up to 3% on heating. [4]



Forests can harbor an immense amount of biodiversity, particularly mixed-species forests, which can assist with pest regulation of native and invading insects, pollination, seed dispersal, wildlife habitat, and fire regulation.

Begin Making an Impact Today

Here at ARI, we are focused on planting trees in the right places at the right time.

Join our network of volunteers and donors to begin doing your part to restore our cherished American forests.


Our Supporters

Papio Valley Nursery    Method Development